I am a procrastinator,I DID NOT BAKE MY WEEKEND but I SLEPT OVER THE WEEKEND for like minimum 15 hours a day. Well, after recovering from a-whole-week sickness I think I deserve the sleep, as I still go for classes even with running nose, high temperature and irritating cough. As always, every weekend, no matter 2-days or 3-days, I only feel like staying at home, sleeping, resting, reading, novel-ing, movie-ing, gaming, blogging, dreaming or studying, just not to go out. Hate the hassles like taking bus, taking metro, walk under cold weather & freezing wind, and etc etc, so I rather stay home, being lazy is happier =p
Unfortunately, I only celebrated Women's Day at home this year, dinner with friends.After dinner, as usual, we play games. This time, we played monopoly and twister! A homemade twister ! ! ! Since the FCs having so much urge playing it so we joined but we did not have much fun, due to some complaints made by certain people, not gonna reveal here.
And I was a ONE-NIGHT MILLIONAIRE ! ! ! Yuuu-Huuuuuuuuuuuu XD
Well, actually Pau and I won the game that night, WHY? Not just merely it was Women's Day, but with our high IQ and EQ, we won it ! ! ! Haha, we bought only 4 pieces of land initially and the guys "ate" (sapu) all the other lands but well, the guys died one by one. Oh before losing the game, there is a curse! They repeatedly being JAILED again and again before they lost the game, we girls did not cheat but that was the curse haha! I have no idea WHY but its funny =p
More than half of the Monopoly belongs to me, including houses & hotel XD wahaha!
I shooed them back home earlier that night because I need to go out early the next morning for a birthday lunch. Err. Thank god it has been canceled LOL, I get to sleep MORE XD There goes my weekend and again today is a new fcking-school-day!
Updated : OK. Now is the bitchy part ! ! ! I have been tolerating with this fella since the new semester started. I don't know what's happening on her and I don't know why the hell she has to act as if like I OWE HER forever! If you wanna go continue PMS- go farer ! If its because of some matter that you are not satisfy with me, or us, then just voice up to me, rather than showing your mother-dead-looking-face everyday and talk like a terrorist on every conversation. I just don't give a shit because I do not even know what is happening, shes worthless my anger! I AM NOT ANGRY but I AM PISSED. IF you have a bad mood, go knock yourself on the wall,do not vent out on me, you think I am stupid enough until an extend that I DO NOT SENSE your mocking speech ? ? ? ! ! !
(I am not yelling).
When she needs help, she looks like shes your best friend (oh yeah, shes having a new close friend currently FOR GOOD), when shes in bad mood, shes a terrorist ! ! ! IT IS NOT HARD TO SMILE A LITTLE BIT WIDER OR TO STOP BEING SARCASTIC. I tell you, IT IS NOT HARD.
I have my own life (thank god, I do have my own life), IF YOU DISLIKE then just give me a break !
I don't wanna dirt my blog with such a bad-post because this blog is only meant for JOY and myself. And oh yeah, I know she will be laughing if she happen to see my post, because she made me pissed. Shall I say : HALOOOOO, welcome to the blog ! YEAH, ITS YOU ITS YOU ! OMG, PSYCHIC ! ! !
Just stop stalking me !
P.S : And I think you,my brother spreaded me the flame he vented out last week after seeing my post about his new MacBook Pro =p Thats why I can FLAME NOW Wahahaha XD
Oh Weee... Last but not least.
Missing home ( FINALLY !!!)
Missing home ( FINALLY !!!)
7 Anti-Kubi on "One-Night Millionaire"
hahahhahaa go to vietnam or indonesia... everyday you can be millionaire or even billionaire =)
hahhaaaa... kubi must be very satified of her hotel and houses... cause dunno sometimes last few years... SHE LOST STUPIDLY HER PROPERTIES TO "FEI YEH".... kakakkaaaaa
How can you call your hubby is FEI YEH ? ? ? Hahaha !
hi hi.. jz wondering which batch are you now.. cz i got friend study in Moscow,russia too. ;) Neway, for such a person, just ignore her. Ppl like that exist everywhere. Gosh
Hey Alli, Yeah IGNORE HER mannnn!!! Hahaha XD
Btw, I am 5th year and its no surprise to bump into friends in Moscow because HELL LOTS MALAYSIAN studying here!
sorry lol.. the FEI YEH is DAVIS lol!!!
Woiiii... Later people read my blog la! Dont simply put NAMES hahaha!
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