I don't have to write. You read the image. Hahaha.
If you don't laugh when you see this image, then you are a moron =p
Unless you are not a Russian speaker =)
I am not trying to show how bad we played XD
АЙРИС with her lovely sky blue nomer 8 bowling ball and her frog-legged.
Arrogant yet stupid.
ЙИНЬ said she failed her 'post'.
ЙОН with his extreme posture but blardy slow rolling ball =p
But XXXX okay Wuahahaha.
ЖЕНЬ a.k.a Jen a.k.a Woman with his semi-pro posture, balls with gigantic wave of energy but lil' not at its straight line. Heeeee XD
I am finding something to blog.
Our Kapitoli Getaway last 2 weeks.
Enjoy your body when you roll.
If you don't laugh when you see this image, then you are a moron =p
Unless you are not a Russian speaker =)
I am not trying to show how bad we played XD
АЙРИС with her lovely sky blue nomer 8 bowling ball and her frog-legged.
Arrogant yet stupid.
ЙИНЬ said she failed her 'post'.
ЙОН with his extreme posture but blardy slow rolling ball =p
But XXXX okay Wuahahaha.
ЖЕНЬ a.k.a Jen a.k.a Woman with his semi-pro posture, balls with gigantic wave of energy but lil' not at its straight line. Heeeee XD
I am finding something to blog.
Our Kapitoli Getaway last 2 weeks.
Enjoy your body when you roll.
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